Everyday Finances
What's loud budgeting all about?
Jun 03, 2024

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Know the phrase "Say it loud, say it proud?" These days, it not only applies to who you are and what you stand for, but also to how you spend your money.
That's right, all thanks to the idea of "loud budgeting."
The concept of loud budgeting started in late 2023 when Lukas Battle, a writer, comedian, and TikTok influencer, first coined the term. Since then, it's quickly become the money thing to do.
It's all about being vocal about wanting to save money. That's right. It's not about flashing cash at a bougie weekend brunch or a music festival with pals. It's about keeping your financial priorities top of mind and being bold and unapologetic about it.
Here's what you need to know about loud budgeting and how to make the most of it:

Loud budgeting: you don’t have to save, you want to save
Loud budgeting means you feel good about saving, you want to save, you feel satisfied when you choose to save, and you’re not afraid to let people know. You’re in a choice mindset, not a sacrifice mindset. It's not about being broke and saving out of necessity.
Truth: research reveals there's a connection between debt and mental health. Being bogged down by debt can make you feel alone, stressed, and anxious. Plus, you can lose many a sound night's sleep over debt worries. Flip the script. Facing your debt straight on, putting it on the table and talking about it could be enough to make you start feeling like the master of your money and not the other way around.
Read more: How debt stress affects your health—and what to do about it
Here are some ways you can make loud budgeting work for you:
Engage in a no-spend challenge, for whatever number of days you choose. You could try a 21-day financial fast when you don’t spend money on anything but true necessities.
Participate in a no alcohol month. Take on the challenge to avoid drinking alcohol for 30 days to discover the benefits you’ll uncover from saying no: improved health and more money in your wallet..
If you’re a smoker or vaper, quitting could put a truckload of money back into your pocket. Going cold turkey might be rough, so break it down into steps and spend the rest of the year working up to your big quit. Use nicotine replacement therapy to transition into being nicotine-free. Go for a day without nicotine. Then a week, and so on.
Plan a potluck or game night with friends instead of an evening out at bars and restaurants.
Take advantage of low-cost or free activities for entertainment—hiking, community bike rides, and summer concerts or movies in the park are all fair game.
Prioritize your debt goals. Say it out loud. Choose your debts over less important expenses every day, even when you’re only talking about small amounts of money. They’ll add up, I promise. The more often you prioritize your debts, the easier and more natural it'll feel.
With all of these strategies, get loud. Let the people around you know exactly what you’re doing and why. You are all but guaranteed to find support from people in your life who share the same goals and priorities.
Steadily chipping away at your debt will lift a huge weight off your shoulders. Think of it as a great booster for both your wallet and mental health.

Budget for the occasional indulgence
Swap it, don't stop it. Small indulgences and treats make life worthwhile. Putting a halt on all non-essential spending will make you cry tears of deprivation and kill your social life. That, or you might lapse in a bad way, and go on a mega splurge as a form of release.
Read more: 4 signs impulse buying is putting you in a debt trap
Instead, be a line item in your loud budget. Say no to wallet-busters. But agree to the things you really want to do. Give yourself an allowance, without apology. Everybody deserves to buy themselves a little good cheer now and then. Yours might be a Frappuccino, a massage, or a little retail therapy. It could be weekly, monthly or quarterly. That’s the thing about a budget. You get to choose. Just pick an amount that you feel good about.

Use a budgeting app
A budgeting app could help you stay motivated. Seeing exactly how much more money is going toward your saving and debt-payoff goals can offer a small thrill—and keep you pumped and the momentum strong.
The Achieve MoLO app can help you do just that. It'll predict your money left over based on your typical cash flow and spending. You can sign up for challenges to up your savings, hit money goals, and tackle your debt.

Get loud
Loud budgeting can help you be bold and vocal about what's most important to you, and where you want to put your money. It can help you say "no" to social pressures and obligations, and steer clear of "Keeping Up with the Joneses" mentality.
To make this budgeting tactic work for you, strike a balance between enjoying the here and now and saving for the future, and stay on top of your money management. You'll also want to prioritize knocking out your credit card debt. Your financial and mental health will thank you.

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Jackie is an Achieve contributor. She is an accredited financial coach (AFC®) who has written for Business Insider, BuzzFeed, CNET, USA Today's Blueprint, and others. She coaches artists and freelancers.

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Kimberly is Achieve’s senior editor. She is a financial counselor accredited by the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education®, and a mortgage expert for The Motley Fool. She owns and manages a 350-writer content agency.
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