Real Stories
Couple consolidates $30,000 of debt to make their family dream a reality
Mar 14, 2024

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Leah and her wife Lynn dreamed about becoming parents together. The couple recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary. After they welcomed their daughter Quinn into the world during the early years of their marriage, they knew they wanted to grow their family even more.
While Lynn carried their first child, they decided Leah would carry their second. They started their journey to becoming a bigger family in 2018, days after Quinn was born.

The bumpy (and expensive) path to growing a family
Expanding their family wasn't a simple matter. Their complex situation was a morass of logistics and financial stress. After much research, the couple decided on the intrauterine insemination (IUI) route because it costs less than in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The downside is that IUI has a lower success rate than IVF.
Their health insurance at the time covered 50% of the cost of up to six rounds of IUI treatment. After the 6th round, they held only sadness—and debt. "The interest on the credit card debt was really high, but fertility treatments just don't stop," says Lynn. "You have to keep going."
"On my sixth try I got a negative and it was, you know, devastating," says Leah. "I've always wanted to have a baby and go through that process. And so, you know, it was very sad because I knew we couldn't afford IVF. It's just too expensive."
To save on the costs, Leah got a part-time job as a per-diem nurse at the infertility treatment center (so that she might qualify for an employee discount on services). Still, the medical bills for infertility treatments, medications, and related procedures racked up to the tune of $30,000.
But they stuck to their dream of growing their family and continued treatment, paying out of pocket as they went.
Immediate relief through debt consolidation
Leah and Lynn's debt grew to be overwhelming. Money was tight, and they were living paycheck to paycheck. Leah found herself in a constant balancing act, juggling credit cards she could afford to pay down with balance transfer cards that had promo APRs and were less costly in the short term. The credit card dance was unsustainable, especially with their other financial commitments.
Lynn decided to give Achieve a call. The Achieve loan consultant immediately put the couple at ease. "It was my first personal loan, and I wasn't quite sure how that was going to work," says Lynn. "I felt very comfortable talking to the customer service rep, and felt very at ease going through that process.
After looking at their different options, they decided on a debt consolidation loan from Achieve, which simplified their payments and improved their cash flow each month.
"After we consolidated our debt the first time with Achieve, three of my credit cards were wiped to zero. We only had one payment, and a lower APR," says Leah. "As it was already very stressful getting pregnant, the loan was a huge sigh of relief. It felt like magic."
When Lynn found Achieve and the couple was able to bring all their debts together into one, they realized they could see a light at the end of the tunnel. They appreciated having a set payoff date for the loan (as opposed to credit card balances that can linger for decades).
"It cleared up my mind to be able to be just more at ease, and be able to look for more positive and exciting opportunities in the future,” said Leah.

When financial stress disappears, opportunities appear
This couple got more than relief from financial stress. After their 15th infertility treatment, the pregnancy took. The couple welcomed twins in the fall of 2022.
Leah and Lynn consolidated 90% of their credit card debt with Achieve. Not only did the debt consolidation loan allow them to continue with the IUI treatments, it helped them manage their finances to the point they were able to buy a home.
"I really started to see the opportunities and what we could afford," says Leah. "We are so grateful to have found Achieve."
*Actual member of Achieve. Member’s endorsement is a paid testimonial. Individual results are not typical and will vary.

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Jackie is an Achieve contributor. She is an accredited financial coach (AFC®) who has written for Business Insider, BuzzFeed, CNET, USA Today's Blueprint, and others. She coaches artists and freelancers.

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Kimberly is Achieve’s senior editor. She is a financial counselor accredited by the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education®, and a mortgage expert for The Motley Fool. She owns and manages a 350-writer content agency.
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